Welcome to The Point of Impact

We are Paul and Kim Dyar and we are called to Missions in Honduras. Our mission is to connect ministry passion with real ministry need. The need is never ending, however laborers are few. We are working as the assistant to the national overseer of the Church of God, which embodies 1130 churches, 10 clinics, 1 orphanage, numerous feeding programs and has the largest social ministry of any denomination in Honduras. The social ministry includes the Deaf Comunity Center and caring for pastors and their children.

Kim and I have dedicated our time to making sure that ministry is accountable and connected. As the Projects Coordinator for Honduras, churches can know when they send funds through the World Missions and National office of Honduras that it makes the full impact and progress that is anticipated.

We are also engaged in consistent dialogue with the national overseer for better ways of leadership training and connectivity with local missionaries for greater effectiveness.

We have been in ministry, as a team, for 13 years and the last 5 years we have been pastoring The Haven in Maryville, Tennessee, which has been a tremendous joy. The Lord has given us 4 beautiful children who are becoming our ministry team. They are very eager to learn and they love to help others.

Our goal is to bring others to the point of impact. The Point of Impact is where Christ enters the heart of mankind and Jesus becomes the difference maker. We are only branches connected to the True Vine, Jesus. As we advance the Kingdom, we expect God to move in miraculous ways.

Friday, November 28, 2008

New Church in Le Ceiba

I would like to share November 21st – 23rd with everyone. My uncle, Jim Hutchins, and I had the pleasure of sharing those days with fellow servants of God who came here to Honduras to plant a new church. Russell Brinson, Terrell Brinson, and Mark Gidley came in from the US to speak with the pastor and the leadership of the church that was to be established. They had already purchased the land in the Bufalo area of La Cieba, Honduras. This is a photo of the land and an example of some of the structures that people are living in within the area. It is estimated that there are over 6,000 families with single parents, no jobs, etc. living within a mile of this new church site. The Christian brothers came with the necessary seed money to start the church and through their friends and churches are hoping to have a church capable of seating 250 people established and ready for dedication in August 2009.
While visiting with the church in La Cieba we were hosted to a wonderful breakfast by the pastor and his family and a delicious dinner by the youth minister and his family. We stayed at a La Quinta Inn where we met one of the security guards that had shot a thief in the leg the first night we were there. We invited him to church service with us on Saturday night and he and others gave their hearts to Jesus. We had service on Friday evening with Russell Brinson as the guest speaker and Sherman Collins translating. On Saturday evening Mark Gidley spoke. There is only one way to describe the services we had. “God was in the house.” We had awesome worship services.
We reviewed the church blue prints and suggested they establish a building time line, and I was appointed as the coordinator between the church and Doctor Collins, the National Overseer for Honduras. With God’s divine hand guiding this church will be planted in a fertile area where there’s many to be harvested.

Representing Honduras at Lee University

Paul had a great experience in the States during the second week of November. He flew back to be a part of Missions Week at Lee University as they were highlighting the ministries of the Deaf Center and the Hope House located here in San Pedro. Cheryl Humphries and Angie McIntyre, the founders and directors of those ministries were there as well, and they all received the honor of speaking during the Chapel services. Also they were presented with several opportunities to speak in various classes across the campus. Paul really enjoyed this time at Lee University. While he was in the States, he also spoke at several churches, two in Illinois, and a joint service in Tennessee. He was glad to be able to share the ministries of the Church of God here in Honduras with all these people in the States. He has returned home now and we are in the process of preparing for a mission’s group of thirty from Lee University. They will be with us for ten days in December. We are so excited about all the ministry that will be accomplished with their help. The students from Lee are bringing hygiene packs to pass out to the impoverished and they will be giving the people bags of food as well. Children services are being planned as well as help with the painting and cleaning of various ministries here in the city. We are looking forward to this time and anticipate many great things.

Keeping up with the Children

We completed our month of immersion class at Our Little Roses Bilingual School. All the information is still trying to find a place in our brain, but the class has helped immensely. Now we will continue with classes three times a week for four hours a day. Our children are also progressing with their understanding of Spanish. Agape school moved Anna to a different Spanish class so she can begin with the basics of the language and maybe be next year she can rejoin her grade in Spanish class. They have several classes that are taught in the English language, but Spanish, Social Studies, Music, Computers and PE are totally in Spanish. The teachers of these classes are beginning to try to help Anna and Wesley catch up to their classmates in these subjects. Eli and Jaden are in the preschool classes where Spanish is primarily being spoken and English is being introduced. We overhear Eli singing a song in Spanish or counting to ten in Spanish instead of English while he is playing at the house. JJ calls his shoes “patos” and his ball “pelota”. We, as parents, have to study hard so our children won’t surpass us in Spanish! It is such a blessing to be able to be a part of these classes even though they can be overwhelming at times. It is so important to us to be able to learn the language as quickly as we possibly can. The people here are gracious to us as we are learning and give us respect because we are trying to learn their language. Our desire is to impact the lives of the people and the best way to do that is to communicate.

Thursday, October 16, 2008

The Center and the Family are doing well

The center is looking great! We are very proud of our director, Cheryl Humphries, in all her labor and effort to prepare the new facility for its opening. She has labored diligently and her efforts will prevail. The play equipment for the children which was constructed by Mt. Olive's group is adorable. The children who come to be ministered to at the center will enjoy it immensely.
As far as our family goes, the children are doing good in school. Wesley was named class manager of his class due to his achievements in behavior and responsibility. We are very proud of him. Anna's teacher is holding a meeting today with the Spanish teacher to ensure the best possible Spanish education for her. Wesley celebrated his seventh birthday yesterday with cake at school with classmates and later more cake at home with family. Eli is adjusting well to his new school schedule. There is no longer tears at the door when he is dropped off and he always has plenty to talk about when you ask him about his day. He is really having a hard time waiting for his birthday since we just celebrated Jaden's and Wesley's. He was convinced that both of their birthdays was his as well, and you just can't argue much with a three year old. Jaden is well taken care of at school by his teacher. She is very loving and always has him in a change of clothes when we pick him up because his uniform got "a little dirty". We are thankful for our children's education and really like their school. It has been challenging for them in many ways, but we have seem them grow as a result of those challenges. A very special thank you to everyone who prays for our children and we ask that you will continue because it does make a difference. Also, thank you to everyone who has helped to finance their education and those who have blessed our children in other ways. Here in a place far away from family it makes a world of difference in their lives.

Thursday, September 18, 2008

Liberty Brought LifeTo Many

What an awesome ten days with a wonderful group of people. We saw many lives touched and changed as Liberty Full Gospel Church from Maryville, Tennessee opened their hearts to the people of Honduras. We were honored with the opportunity to provide food for about 200 plus families through mission churches planted right in the middle of poverty-stricken areas. One night we saw a six month old baby who due to malnutrition was about the size of a scrawny newborn. We gave her mother 3 bags of food as she herself was not much more than a walking skeleton and she had other children back at her house. Her husband had left and she was left to provide for the family with little or no income. This is just one example of what we were faced with this week, but the love and generosity of Liberty impacted many. The need is still so great with so many in similar circumstances. Donnie Morton did a great job preaching at several different locations with powerful alter services to follow with 14 receiving Christ in there hearts. We pray that God will continue to work in the lives of the people who attended the services.

We were amazed at the difference a fresh coat of paint made at the deaf center. Liberty worked hard for 3 days painting, scraping, scrubbing and repairing at the deaf center and the results are very much appreciated. Today there is a group from Mt. Olive building sound proof rooms and installing ceiling fans at the deaf center. God has blessed the center greatly with all the support from mission teams in preparing it for a quick opening. Two people were saved yesterday as the group from Mt. Olive was repairing a roof. Isn't God amazing!

We are enjoying a few days of no school for the children. Monday was Honduras's birthday as well as Jaden's and Kim's birthday. They got to celebrate with parades and all sorts of festivities. Of course the day was not complete until we had smoothies and ice cream cones. Again, we are so thankful for all the ones who left family and friends behind and came here to help in so many ways and thankful for those who continue to support the ministry prayerfully and financially. You help make all of this possible. We love you and pray the Lord will bless your obedience.

Saturday, September 6, 2008

Shutting and Opening Doors

Things have been great since returning here to Honduras. The kids are adjusting back to school schedules, and we have discovered the locations to all the many stores involved with purchasing their school supplies in the process. Eli and Jaden have began half days at Agape and are enjoying the day in spite of the tearful goodbyes to mom in the morning. Kim and I will begin an Spanish Immersion Class at the beginning of October. It will be an intense four hours a day but is so necessary for our ministry here. Right now we are enjoying the presence of a group of ten people from Maryville, Tennessee, Liberty Full Gospel. They have come for ten days to be used of the Lord in many different ways. Already lives have been touched as a result of their willingness to come here to Honduras. They have visited the orphanage, feed and ministered to children and preached at a local church. Today they are cleaning and painting at the new deaf center. Yes, I did type new deaf center!!!! As of last Thursday we were able to sign a contract on a place that will house the early intervention program of the deaf center. Cheryl has received the equipment she needs to begin and is very excited about the help she will bring to these children at an age that can make such an impact in their language development. We are so thankful to have Liberty Full Gospel here with us to assist in the preparation of this facility. As you may remember, the deaf center was asked to relocate in July due to the owner of the facility needing the house for her family to live in. It was a sad time having to pack up the center, but the Lord is always at work and when He shuts a door, He opens another. So thanks be to our Lord for providing this new facility in such a good location. We anticipate the center opening soon as a result of the help from the States. Thank you for your prayers and support!! You ARE making a difference!

Sunday, August 10, 2008

Unified Force in Ministry

I have talked about joining with a Deaf Ministry in Tegucigalpa, the capital city, over the last several months. Well that is starting to materialize. Christy Owen the executive director is meeting with Cheryl and Lee University on the 14th of Aug. We will be discussing how we can work together on the continued effort to develop curriculum and the Language of Lesho.

Also we will be meeting with World Missions to see how we can connect as associates with in the organization.

The possibilities are amazing. Because of our inability to acquire the licensing as an independent organization our school is not recognized by the government. With us working with Happy Hands in Tegucigalpa, we will be a stronger force and we will be together in licensing.

"how good it is for the brethren to dwell together in unity".... That is God's word and how true it is!

Servants of the Kingdom, Paul

Provision for the Vision

I have had the joy and privilege of preaching in several churches over the past 6 weeks to raise our budget. This is not my gift. However, I love to preach and love to be around good people so that is what I focused on. God gave us some wonderful services and we were able to meet and spend time with some wonderful people. Here is a list of Churches that we have visited:

Cleveland COG in SC, Manchester COG in TN, The Haven Church in TN, Liberty Full Gospel Fellowship in TN, Green Meadow Church in TN, Grace Covenant Church in SC, West Anderson COG in SC, Cross Point Church in SC, Christ Family Church in TN, Living Word Church in TN, and Westmoreland COG in TN.

These churches blessed us and we are so honored to be connected to them. Six of the Eleven plan on bringing a team down with in the next 18 months. This is wonderful news in the wake of all the changes and needs.

Thank you for allowing us to continue in the work that God has called us. Please pray about supporting us monthly. This would help us stay for longer time frames, building consistency in the ministry.

I look forward to keeping in touch with you all,

Your Missionary to Honduras, Paul

Tears and Joy in the Same Conversation

The day we flew back to the States. The lady that we rent the Deaf Center from told us that she need the Center back...
Well you can imagine all the thoughts running through our head...
We just built the sound proof room and we just painted the Sign on the wall outside and it seems we are establishing ourselves in the community. Quite disappointing to say the least, however we have good news. The owner's husband is a doctor and wants to keep the Clinic close. So the house next door, which she owns, will be the Clinic and then she donated land across the street for the Center and the School.

Praise the Lord. We are not sure yet how much she will charge us for rent for the Clinic, if she is going to charge? Keep praying!

She also may help fund the building of the new building!!

This is exciting and we are going to need a lot of help to build and transition into the new facilities.

Blessing, Paul

Monday, June 30, 2008

Training the Leaders

Cheryl had asked me to put together a weekend for the Leaders to go deeper in the Word of God. Well, it seemed as though every time we wanted to work it out something got in the way.

However, through a wonderful Missionary friend, Wiley Gamon, who's ministry involves working with State run Orphanages, allowed us to use his facility for the first day to kick things off.

Cheryl had some particular materials that she wanted to share with the Leaders, that really impacted their lives. I enjoyed the break out sessions on the first night, where we split the men and women up and talked about the various issues that the different genders face.

On Sunday we had a testimony time, before I preached and one could tell that some life changing experiences had taken place. All were touched and blessed by the presence of God and challenged to make a difference. Cheryl did a great job and I am glad that the weekend was able to finally happen.


Wedding Bells in Honduras

Cheryl Humphries and I had the privilege of officiating a wedding.

In Honduras their are many who can't afford to get married and unfortunately this leads to many unmarried couples that are living together. This is not just a problem for the secular world, but for the church. In Deaf culture sometimes problems are compounded, because of the lack of education and finances.

However, as we have been teaching the word of God, one couple came to us and said that they wanted to honor God with their lives. They wanted to do the right thing and get married. So they asked us to preform the wedding for them.

It was quite interesting. It was suppose to start at 6:00 pm, yet the Bride did not show up till 7:30. No one seem to be worried, but me. Evidently that is norm to start late. We actually started at 8:00pm. The Deaf Center provided a beautiful setting for the wedding and the family of Miguel & Katy provided a wonderful meal for the 80+ guests.

I am thankful that the Deaf are being discipled and that they want to do the right thing.

Love and Blessings, Paul

Friday, May 23, 2008

The Clinic is up and running

After building the soundproof room to do the hearing testing and setting up the Audiometer and Typanometer, we are fully equipped to test the hearing of all ages.

The day after we set up, without advertising, we had 7 people come for testing. We were wondering where they were coming from, until one gave us a letter from the local hospital. That is just the first day! One hospital and two ears, nose and throat doctors are referring all their patients with hearing problems to us. Isn't that exciting.

We all had a laugh yesterday when one mother brought her son in and the urologist sent her to us to test her sons hearing. THE UROLOGIST! O.K.! Well the child did need to have his hearing tested and he was deaf in one ear, however a hearing aid would greatly enhance his ability to have speech. But the urologist sent him to us. The point is that Doctors all over San Pedro are learning about our program and we are developing respect and professionalism within the community.

We a have also began contacting schools in order to test the hearing of the preschool children. This will allow us and them to catch any hearing problems early in the children's lives and use what ever means to correct the problem.

This is one more expansion of the Community Center for the Deaf in Honduras.

Please pray that we continue to follow God and his vision for the Deaf of Honduras.

Love and blessings,

Paul Dyar

Thursday, May 22, 2008

Born Again and New Life

God has been developing a wonderful relationship with our family and the hearing church that we attend on Sunday Mornings. In the last 4 weeks I have preached there 2 times. This is also the church that is teaming with us in the first of June to do 5 children's crusades in various areas across Honduras. We are expecting to reach at least 2000 children in just a matter of a few days. Be in prayer with us about this.

However what I wanted to share is that 6 people asked Jesus in there lives the first time I preached there and a least two hundred came to the altar wanting more of God. I am just utterly amazed at the hunger and desire I see in the altar services. I pray that we all acquire this kind of hunger for God.

The second time I preached it was even a deeper move of God. All I knew was I had to join them in the altar. There were people praying for at least and hour after the message was given and the expression on peoples faces told the story. They were touch by God. I told them at the altar call that it was not meant for me to lay hands on anyone, but it was time for them to touch Him.

I truly believe they did and so did I...

Love you all,


The Inflow of Blessings

We you are walking in the favor of God you just can not help but experience His blessings.

This past week one of the local Universities came and talked with us about using us as place to for there students to do internships. Of course we said yes... We could use all the help we can get!! We really didn't know what all that implied, but since then we have 3 young people out of the business department to come. Their focus is to develop a strategic plan of furthering the reach of this ministry through out San Pedro and then beyond. If that is not awesome then comes in dental students to clean the children's teeth.

Another young man came and wants to do a documentary on Deafness in Honduras and our Deaf Community Center.

I don't know who will be the next to come in, but each person that comes offers a new skill and a new opportunity to get the word out about the Ministry and ultimately about Jesus!!

Thank you all for being interested in the Ministry and in us.

We love you and appreciate you all,


Belize, Please!

By law we have to leave Honduras every 90 days because we are not residents. We would like to be residents so that we would not have to leave so frequently, however it cost 1000.00 per person for a 5 year residency. I not sure if you recall, but I have 4 children and that would total 6000.00. I think at least for the first year we will try to find a few other avenues.

The first avenue was to go back to the States for a week and though we can occasionally find tickets on Spirit Air fairly cheap it is still 6 people. So we decided on the second avenue, go to Belize.

We had a wonderful time with the children. We took a two and half hour boat ride that was a little scary to say the least. I am not sure if we were actually in the water much... Have you ever been on a fairly small boat out in the ocean with 3 - 250 hp motors, I am pretty sure were full power the whole time?? Well praise to God we made it there safe.

We went to Placencia, Belize. It is a little peninsula below Belize City. It was remote, small, rustic, yet absolutely beautiful. We stayed in a little Cabin on the ocean, that I am pretty sure a hurricane has blown through a few times. You could see daylight through every board joined together, but off the porch just thirty feet away was the ocean. Although it was a little cooler weather than normal for this that time of the year, We enjoyed ourselves immensely. We found a little market and cooked all our meals in the cabin. The kids played in the sand during the morning hours, then in the afternoon we all played in the ocean, at night we played card games, connect four, take the cake and a few other games. Then we would pile up in bed and watch a movie on my computer. It was probably the best time we have had as a family in a long time. One because we had nothing else to do, but spend time with each other. Some things that seem disappointing are just blessings in disguise.



Birthday "Bash"

I have heard of having birthday bashes before, but I never thought it would be like this???

We have a monthly birthday party for all the workers that have birthdays in each particular month. Well this past month was guess who's, yeap! Mine. Everything was going great most of the day, I warded off a possible throwing in the pool episode. Then I warded off an attempt to dump a cake on my head. However the final thing I just didn't see coming!!! BASH!!! One after another 4 EGGS crashed on my head and began to immediately run down my face, shirt and pants. I was simply just trying to cut the cake and be thankful, but Nooooooo they had to go and Bash me.

Any way it was fun and we had a lot of laughs, but other Birthdays are soon to come and I don't get mad I just get even!!!

Just wanted to share the fun with you all,

Love ya, Paul

Sunday, April 27, 2008

The Aftermath

You know when God shows up the scenery always changes and we are left to say WOW!

That is kind of the way we feel around here. Two different events that God has opened up for us have clarified our focus. We still have the school for children and adults, the church, the community center which is trying to help find jobs for the deaf and gives the deaf an opportunity to build relationships with other Christians.

However, as of having the Doctor here and having a meeting with the top officials of the Lions Club. Both agreed that the number one area that needs to be our focus is early intervention to help find deafness as early as possible, in order to ether surgically fix the problem if capable or start teaching signs. This will allow them to develop a language much faster.

So we, by the grace of God, acquired all new equipment to start testing for hearing problems as early as newborns. This is a common practice in the USA, but here we are the first to have the equipment to do this sort of testing.

Now along with all the other things that God has started here in the Community Center, now we have a Clinic. Only God knows what is the next step.

Love you all be blessed,


Tuesday, April 1, 2008

Is there a Doctor in the House?

Dr. Jim Smith is here. He is an amazing person to talk with and all of his experience in missions around the world is astounding. He is a wonderful Baptist man from Oregon. He found out about us through some friends and decided to come and help.

He is specifically testing the deaf to see if they could medical be able to hear. He has come to put tubes in those that it would help and he has also brought a new type of hearing aid and wants to use us as a test site for its durability. So we are testing children and adults to find 5 candidates to see which the aids will help the most. If they are as durable as he says this will be an amazing leap for this area. One they only cost $125.00! Two they are solar powered so there is no need for batteries. Three they can be submerged in water for 3 sec. and still work. This is necessary because of the high humidity here.

The Doctor is also going to the largest hospital in San Pedro to teach other doctors about early intervention, how to preform tube surgeries and many other things that is beyond my vocabulary ability. (I know you don't have to say anything I opened myself up for that) The hospital has two sound proof rooms for testing, but no equipment so that is a project we are going to be working on. They said that if we get the equipment that the room is ours to use as much as we want and that they would refer all the deaf to our intervention
program. This is exciting.

He also is doing a training sessions to the Doctors at two of the COG clinics, one in San Pedro and another at Le Ceiba.

God is awesome and we are humbled to see all that He is doing and allowing us to be apart of this Kingdom work.

God's blessing to you all,

Paul and Kim

Monday, March 31, 2008

Fun in the Park

Easter Sunday had some great times then some gripe times. Here during Holy Week (the week before Easter) Many things shut down, all the schools were closed. The city seemed empty the whole week. For those of you who have been here I know that sounds crazy, but it was ghost town. I was not sure how many would show up for the Sunday morning service, because I had the leaders tell me that they would be out of town or with family that day. So the gripe time was when no one showed up for service, but the great time came that afternoon.

Angie from Hope House orphanage called to ask if she could bring the children over for an Easter egg hunt at the park in front of my house. We had 22 children in all hunting and it was a wonderful time. Cheryl and I helped Angie hide eggs, while Kim and Angie's assistants watched the children. I think we had as much fun hiding the eggs as the children did finding.

Then one age group at a time went to find the eggs. I think the older kids were getting into to it more than the little ones. I guess it was the "prize egg" that got there attention. After the happy hunting time, we had ice cream!!! All the energy that the Children just ran off was now restored! What fun! Jaden had ice cream from head to toe, he was so cute.

It was all great. In the end we spent some time with our children talking about the day and what it represented and then we worshiped a little while then had a wonderful family pray time.

God is good even when no one else is around.

Love you all,

Wednesday, March 12, 2008

Realizing the Impact

I don't think Bro. Tom realized what an immediate impact the cabinets would make for the Deaf Center. After partially finishing them we began placing them in there respective rooms. As soon as we placed on it automatically turned the room into two class room. While we were placing the others (bringing them in through the window), a phenomenal thing took place school started and the teachers were teaching two different classes in the same room. I know this sounds silly, but because of three cabinets we went from having 2 classrooms to having 5. That makes a great difference.

Thanks Pastor McLendon, Danny, Dustin and Dalton we are very grateful for your service here in Honduras.

Paul Dyar

Ministering in the Mountains

What a joy it was to have Pastor Tom McLendon and his wife Janis with us for a week. They brought a wonderful team of hard working people with them and we kept them busy.

I want to thank Jack and Nancy Terry for allowing us to join with their ministry to the Mountain churches. Mission4Jesus is dedicated to helping the churches in the Mountains that often do not have the funds to build or even equip and pay its pastors. The Terry's have helped put clothes on many of the children and also have help build churches. They work with various groups to bring discipleship and much need training for pastors and leaders.

We spent a day with them in two different churches. In one location in the morning we had a womens seminar and neo-natal classes. Lisa and Linda, the nurses with the group, taught these classes and gave out materials to help train the mothers and expecting mothers. That evening we held services in Yure a fast growing church in the process of building a new sanctuary. It was standing room only with people standing in the doorways and windows just to be in the service. Pastor McLendon preached on the power of the name of Jesus. One lady was healed immediately and many lingered in the alters under the anointing.

We had an awesome time and truly enjoyed the Mountains. This will not be the last time we go to the Mountains, because we are on a Mission4Jesus.

Blessings, Paul

Monday, February 25, 2008

The Harvest Is Being Reaped

Sunday afternoon, I went to the Deaf Center to fellowship and then have a Bible study. I will be transparent with you, I really had no idea what I was going to be sharing with them. I was trying to think about how to tell them about Curt dieing, and that consumed my thoughts.

They were sad about Curt dieing and concerned about Cheryl, but all were happy that the Center was going to continue. They all agreed that when Cheryl comes back that they would need to help comfort and encourage her. They were really supportive. When that meeting was over they had about two hours of fellowship and playing games and swimming. I left for about an hour of this and went home to eat lunch.

When I came back I was praying "Lord what do You want me to share today". I still did not get any answer. Just about 30 min. before I was to start the study. I felt very impressed to share about the women who had been caught in adultery in John 8:3-10. After I spoke I was sharing that we who have excepted Jesus into our hearts should love like Jesus did. So I asked how many have accepted Jesus in their heart? Only 3 raised their hands, so I had one of our leaders who has been saved for about 3 years to ask the same question. I just wanted them to understand the question clearly. Still only 5 raised their hand this time. Well we proceeded to ask how many would like to have Jesus clean their heart and live in their heart. Eighteen people received Jesus. Praise the Lord. It was awesome, I knew it was real because the tears in some of their eyes and afterwards different ones began to start confessing their sins and stating that they did not want to live this way anymore!

God is working, keep praying each week more and more deaf are coming to the Bible study. We are believing for a great harvest here in San Pedro Sula.

Serving the King,
Paul Dyar

Sunday, February 24, 2008

I just wish they could hear the applause!

Today the drama team went to viva nueva (New Life) Church. There were over 600 people at the church. The missions pastor asked me about a month ago to come and share about the ministry and to have the deaf drama team to come. Well.... It was awesome.

We had 12 to show up at 8am to go to the church. Which that in it self is a miracle. One that they were on time. Two that it was 8am on a weekend. The miracles do not cease, because I was praying for transportation to the church for the deaf that morning and one of the deaf came driving a mini-van taxi!!! God never ceases to amaze me.

Then at the church (remember I am the only interpreter for the Deaf for now) I interpreted the song service, which by the grace of God went very smoothly. Digna the secretary from the deaf center interpreted the Spanish to English and I then signed to the Deaf.

Digna and I went to the front to present the ministry to the congregation. I don't know if you have heard of John Belt, but I used his music to play while the power point presentation played.

Here is where the real ministry took place - The Drama Team!!!

There performance was awesome. We did the drama by Lifehouse the song is "Everything". During the drama when Jesus steps in. The crowed went wild!!! The applause was so loud it was over whelming for me. One of the Deaf's parents cried like a baby. His son has never done anything to receive this kind of ovation. The deaf could even feel the applause is was so loud.

God is doing a great work and I just can't believe that he has allowed me to be a part of this wonderful work that he is doing.

Legends and Legacies

With sadness I say this a Legend has passed. Curt died early Saturday morning at there home in Tennessee. He had preached the Sunday before a powerful message and God moved mightly. Their son Brandon said that "it was the best service he has been to in years". However, Tuesday morning Curt fell and his body would not have the strength to recover.

Curt's passing will leave a great void in the deaf of Honduras and in the USA, but his Legacy will continue on for many years to come. He has mentored and discipled many deaf in the USA and here in Honduras. He has brought the ministry to a new level and has set the standard high for all of us to reach. His depth of wisdom and his understanding of the Word of God was unparalleled. His teachings on the temple were phenomenal. Needless to say more Curt will be missed.

The deaf here were surprised, but had seen him struggle over the last year. One can tell they really loved this wonderful teacher and friend. They have a passion to live for Christ because of Curt's teaching. He taught out of love and relationship, not out of rules and regulations. He reached out to everyone, not just the ones that could live a good life. It was noticed; that is why the ministry is and has grown consistently over the last year.

Please keep Cheryl and the family (natural and spiritual) in your prayers. The ministry will continue and God's faithfulness will endure forever.

Friday, February 22, 2008

Please Pray

Hi all,

Sorry it has been a few days since we added news. The internet has been down.

Everything here is going wonderfully, however in the States we have a much need for Prayer. Curt's health went down rapidly this week and is in ICU. He was on a respirator as of yesterday, and today they were going to wean him off and put him in a family room. This is not good news. We ask for you to pray for him and the family. Cheryl left Tuesday night to be with him and the family.

Also pray for me. I am the only sign language interpreter for the Community Center and we have several new students, both children and adult. We have found favor with one of the business here called Price Smart as well. I asked them about hiring one of our deaf and they did. This opens up another ministry to the deaf, because this gives us significance with other businesses and helps the deaf find significance through Christ and the church.

Thanks for you prayer, We love you and ask God to continue to bless you.

Paul Dyar

Friday, February 15, 2008

Every Day New Students Are Enrolling

The teachers training is over and they are excited to get started. I am surprised by their rapid ability to learn the basics in Sign Language. These wonderful people have come from various churches in the San Pedro area to volunteer their time each week. That is a praise to God and to them for their passion for Christ and His work to the Deaf.

The centers are looking great. The teachers have spent a lot of time setting up math, reading, science, writing, social studies, signing, and art centers. The setup of the school is designed for the children to come in the afternoon and the teachers sign up for specific centers that they are to be in charge of during the afternoons. The children will spend three hours a day going through the centers. Also, a big praise to the Lord for we have found a bus and driver that will pick up the students and bring them to school and take them home. The only cost to the Deaf Center is the fuel. This is a great blessing!

The adult program is coming together as well. We have been consistent with the Bible study on Sunday and we have moved the drama class to Sunday as well. The Leadership Bible study is on Thursday night. Sundays is more telling Bible stories because many have not heard the stories of the Bible and Thursdays are going into more depth. We are starting with what we are created for, which is worship, and discussing the multiple areas of prayer. I think a good start is to "Enter his Gates with Thanksgiving and His courts with Praise". (Keep in mind the leaders have already accepted Christ as their Savior.)

We do Thank God for His blessing and we thank God for you all for your love and support of this ministry. Keep us in your prayers.

We love and appreciate you all,

Paul, Kim and Family

Wednesday, February 6, 2008

The Drama Teams First Opportunity

This past Sunday was awesome! Cheryl and I worked with the Drama Team and they did a drama to Lighthouse's song "Everything". I was so proud of our team, they did a wonderful job.

From the drama I spoke on Deut. 11:26 "I set before you today a blessing and a curse...". The message was simplistic. God wants us to be blessed and we must break the curses of the past. The alter call was great. God ministered in a powerful way.

What was also great to see was the deaf coming up and praying for people. It truly was an awesome sight!

God is opening up many doors for us to minister. The territorial director invited us to share at the district meeting today and then at another district tomorrow. There were over 30 pastors at the meeting today and many questions were asked. So, we are expecting the word to spread and opprotunities to start opening up.

Blessings and love to you all,
Paul Dyar and family

Saturday, February 2, 2008

Feeding the River People

Today we went with a group from Tennessee, to feed the river people. We met at Hope House and filled 300 bags with rice, beans, toothpaste, salt, cooking oil, sugar, spice, soap, and a toy. Then we went to the river. Anna and Wesley were big helpers during the bagging and the handing out process. There were two trucks full of food that we walked beside as we handed out the food to the mothers. Anna and Wesley stayed in the truck and handed out pencils to the children. Thanks to Kenneth Loveday and the group for allowing us to be apart of this ministry.

While we were there we found 3 more deaf people. This just shows how prevalent the problem is, here in Honduras.

Today was just one small strip of the river that we walked along. There are still miles of people that we didn't get to but we will. We know there are lot more deaf and looking at the living conditions we can see why. There is just no ability to treat ear infections and malnutrition is a serious problem here.

We are thankful for the experience and will be doing this on a regular basis.

Blessing and Favor to you all,


Thursday, January 31, 2008

It is all about the CHILDREN.

Praise God!! We had 32 people show up for our first day of teachers training, not including the instructors themselves. We only called half the list of churches to request volunteers for the Community Center for the Deaf and we had a great response. This is all great and the training is going wonderful, but what I wanted to share with you why we do what we do.

This afternoon, a lady brought her 8 or 9 year old deaf daughter to the Center. She had seen one of our fliers that we had handed out and it gave her hope for her daughter. The little girl's clothes were to small and sadly she was ashamed. Her name was Carolina, she did not know any sign language, but she knew what a hug meant. We grabbed her hand and showed her around. Then Fabiola and Rosa, who are deaf, took her to a few of the teaching centers that we have set up in the building and began immediately showing her the ABC's and 123's and they also gave her a sign name. The smile on her face said it all.

She is just one of three new students this week and we haven't even started classes yet. We open February the 11th.

Our new sign, which is being painted on the wall outside is developing interest as well.

Keep us in your prayers, God is awesome and we are so honored to serve Him.

Continue to walk in His blessing,


Friday, January 25, 2008

The New School Is Starting

We are excited to share with everyone that the new school is starting the first of February. Cheryl is in the USA finalizing our teacher certification with the educational department at Lee University. Next, we have a final teachers training seminar for one week, then we start classes!!

We have several students already committed and we have made several fliers and posters. The influx will be great and we are preparing for it.

The Deaf Center has been getting an internal face lift. Fabiola and Rosa two of our deaf teachers have been painting and making educational signs for all the classrooms. They are so creative, with ABC's and 123's in sign language and lettering. The story of Christ in picture form is posted just inside the entrance. This is going to be awesome!

Along with the children's part of the new school, we have a new adult program that will be starting as well. The adult deaf want to have an education as well. So we are starting two types of programs. One is a reading program, which Dr. Stone at Lee University has looked over and given approval and the other is a full educational program using the Accelerated Christian Education (A.C.E.) program also known as paces. We have talked with the representative for A.C.E. in Central America, Drew Williams, who is a Missionary from Mt. Paran Church in Atlanta. It is amazing how God connects people. He is helping us with the material and mentoring us on the best uses.

The Bible studies had ceased for a few months due to various reasons, one being Curt's sickness. However, this Sunday I will be starting them up again. We have made applications for those who desire to be leaders and will be starting fresh with them. Cheryl and Digna, the secretary, has been working on policy manuals while Kim is working on budgets. All of us want to build a more consistent Ministry that is more effective in the long run.

Unless the foundation is stable, the building will always be unstable. So we are building stability one day at a time. This is not a fast process, and we have learned from our mistakes, that if you want it done then you can rush and get it done, however if you want it done right it takes time and effort. We are here to invest our time into building God's Kingdom, to share God's love and teach His word.

Keep us in your prayer and please say a special prayer for Curt. He was critical earlier this week and his body almost shut down, but in the middle of the night, through much prayer, everything started working again and he said that he feels like he is on the road to recovery. Would you join us in a special prayer of agreement for him for his complete recovery? God healed him once before of leukemia and we are believing for this again.

Serving the King with you,

Paul & Kim and Family

Friends in Manchester

It was a pleasure being with the Petty's in Manchester, TN on Jan. 13th. Dave and I had worked on scheduling a few times and it has never worked out. However, two days before we flew out we were able to connect. Manchester is a wonderful area that Kim and I have traveled through while going to see her parents in Tullahoma, which is just down the road.

The church looks great! They are in the process of remodeling the old sanctuary for classrooms. The walls are up and painted and look wonderful. With just the doors, trim, and flooring left to do, they'll be done in no time.

I believe there is a bright future for the Manchester COG. I look forward to hearing the great news that God is doing in this church.

I was excited to hear about the plans to come to Honduras for a missions trip this year. I can't wait to hear from you about your plans. Anything we can do on this end, we will be happy to do.

God Bless you all,


Thursday, January 24, 2008

The Big Move (part 2)

We have been in San Pedro for 9 days and are adjusting well. I have some facts for you. Hey, atleast I'm learning something!

1. An empty house in Honduras does not mean a clean house.
Something about people burning trash and dirt roads create enough dust that the house needs to be mopped at least once a day.

2. Children in other countries do not have to be poor to be dirty!
Eli and Jaden, they don't get dirty... they get filthy! Kim and I have to give them a bath at least twice a day and the other parts of the day we just tolerate it. Of course, we may be considered poor I don't know?

3. Hanging out to dry has a new meaning now.
Kim and I wash one or two loads of laundry every morning (see above for the reason). Then, by 8:00 we hang them on the line to dry and at lunch we go back to the house and take the clothes down. Be thankful for new technology, it's a blessing!!!

4. When you have to do something to survive, you do it.
Spanish is not an option. I am learning very fast. Maybe not correct conjugations at the moment but I am learning words. It's a learn or don't eat situation.

5. Living in another country is not so bad.
With God all things are possible! We are doing fine. We are probably eating more healthy (not FDA), but fresh vegetables and fruits. The quality of the air is not as good, but it's not bad either. The children are playing with each other very good as always. The ministry is just as fickle, because people are people no matter what language they speak, just different cultures.

It is all worth it and God is truly doing a new work in us and in Honduras.
God bless you all. We love you all and will keep in touch.


Saturday, January 12, 2008

Considering your Neighbor

During Christmas, we were able to meet Kim's Grandmother's new neighbor. He is the Pastor of College Park COG in Huntsville, AL. Pastor Pace was so kind and invited us to come and share about the Ministry in Honduras. I think he was a bit surprised when we told him that we were leaving January 15th, but even with the short notice he allowed us to share.

On January 9th, we left our home after the last night sleeping there and drove to Huntsville. I had a little visit with Pastor Pace and his wonderful homemade salsa. If I would have been thinking, I would have invited him over to Grandmother's to eat, since he was alone for the evening. Sorry Pastor Pace.

Later that evening, when we went to service, we were able to talk more about the church and his desire. He told me that his biggest desire was for the church to hear the voice of the Lord. He asked me to be sensitive too and follow the Holy Spirit's leading. I appreciate that in a Pastor.

The results were awesome! I didn't know what he was preaching on the following Sunday, but evidently, I must have given a very good introduction to his message.

Thank you College Park for allowing us to come. We look forward to sharing with you in the future about what your contribution has accomplished.

Your Missionary to Honduras