Welcome to The Point of Impact

We are Paul and Kim Dyar and we are called to Missions in Honduras. Our mission is to connect ministry passion with real ministry need. The need is never ending, however laborers are few. We are working as the assistant to the national overseer of the Church of God, which embodies 1130 churches, 10 clinics, 1 orphanage, numerous feeding programs and has the largest social ministry of any denomination in Honduras. The social ministry includes the Deaf Comunity Center and caring for pastors and their children.

Kim and I have dedicated our time to making sure that ministry is accountable and connected. As the Projects Coordinator for Honduras, churches can know when they send funds through the World Missions and National office of Honduras that it makes the full impact and progress that is anticipated.

We are also engaged in consistent dialogue with the national overseer for better ways of leadership training and connectivity with local missionaries for greater effectiveness.

We have been in ministry, as a team, for 13 years and the last 5 years we have been pastoring The Haven in Maryville, Tennessee, which has been a tremendous joy. The Lord has given us 4 beautiful children who are becoming our ministry team. They are very eager to learn and they love to help others.

Our goal is to bring others to the point of impact. The Point of Impact is where Christ enters the heart of mankind and Jesus becomes the difference maker. We are only branches connected to the True Vine, Jesus. As we advance the Kingdom, we expect God to move in miraculous ways.

Monday, February 25, 2008

The Harvest Is Being Reaped

Sunday afternoon, I went to the Deaf Center to fellowship and then have a Bible study. I will be transparent with you, I really had no idea what I was going to be sharing with them. I was trying to think about how to tell them about Curt dieing, and that consumed my thoughts.

They were sad about Curt dieing and concerned about Cheryl, but all were happy that the Center was going to continue. They all agreed that when Cheryl comes back that they would need to help comfort and encourage her. They were really supportive. When that meeting was over they had about two hours of fellowship and playing games and swimming. I left for about an hour of this and went home to eat lunch.

When I came back I was praying "Lord what do You want me to share today". I still did not get any answer. Just about 30 min. before I was to start the study. I felt very impressed to share about the women who had been caught in adultery in John 8:3-10. After I spoke I was sharing that we who have excepted Jesus into our hearts should love like Jesus did. So I asked how many have accepted Jesus in their heart? Only 3 raised their hands, so I had one of our leaders who has been saved for about 3 years to ask the same question. I just wanted them to understand the question clearly. Still only 5 raised their hand this time. Well we proceeded to ask how many would like to have Jesus clean their heart and live in their heart. Eighteen people received Jesus. Praise the Lord. It was awesome, I knew it was real because the tears in some of their eyes and afterwards different ones began to start confessing their sins and stating that they did not want to live this way anymore!

God is working, keep praying each week more and more deaf are coming to the Bible study. We are believing for a great harvest here in San Pedro Sula.

Serving the King,
Paul Dyar

Sunday, February 24, 2008

I just wish they could hear the applause!

Today the drama team went to viva nueva (New Life) Church. There were over 600 people at the church. The missions pastor asked me about a month ago to come and share about the ministry and to have the deaf drama team to come. Well.... It was awesome.

We had 12 to show up at 8am to go to the church. Which that in it self is a miracle. One that they were on time. Two that it was 8am on a weekend. The miracles do not cease, because I was praying for transportation to the church for the deaf that morning and one of the deaf came driving a mini-van taxi!!! God never ceases to amaze me.

Then at the church (remember I am the only interpreter for the Deaf for now) I interpreted the song service, which by the grace of God went very smoothly. Digna the secretary from the deaf center interpreted the Spanish to English and I then signed to the Deaf.

Digna and I went to the front to present the ministry to the congregation. I don't know if you have heard of John Belt, but I used his music to play while the power point presentation played.

Here is where the real ministry took place - The Drama Team!!!

There performance was awesome. We did the drama by Lifehouse the song is "Everything". During the drama when Jesus steps in. The crowed went wild!!! The applause was so loud it was over whelming for me. One of the Deaf's parents cried like a baby. His son has never done anything to receive this kind of ovation. The deaf could even feel the applause is was so loud.

God is doing a great work and I just can't believe that he has allowed me to be a part of this wonderful work that he is doing.

Legends and Legacies

With sadness I say this a Legend has passed. Curt died early Saturday morning at there home in Tennessee. He had preached the Sunday before a powerful message and God moved mightly. Their son Brandon said that "it was the best service he has been to in years". However, Tuesday morning Curt fell and his body would not have the strength to recover.

Curt's passing will leave a great void in the deaf of Honduras and in the USA, but his Legacy will continue on for many years to come. He has mentored and discipled many deaf in the USA and here in Honduras. He has brought the ministry to a new level and has set the standard high for all of us to reach. His depth of wisdom and his understanding of the Word of God was unparalleled. His teachings on the temple were phenomenal. Needless to say more Curt will be missed.

The deaf here were surprised, but had seen him struggle over the last year. One can tell they really loved this wonderful teacher and friend. They have a passion to live for Christ because of Curt's teaching. He taught out of love and relationship, not out of rules and regulations. He reached out to everyone, not just the ones that could live a good life. It was noticed; that is why the ministry is and has grown consistently over the last year.

Please keep Cheryl and the family (natural and spiritual) in your prayers. The ministry will continue and God's faithfulness will endure forever.

Friday, February 22, 2008

Please Pray

Hi all,

Sorry it has been a few days since we added news. The internet has been down.

Everything here is going wonderfully, however in the States we have a much need for Prayer. Curt's health went down rapidly this week and is in ICU. He was on a respirator as of yesterday, and today they were going to wean him off and put him in a family room. This is not good news. We ask for you to pray for him and the family. Cheryl left Tuesday night to be with him and the family.

Also pray for me. I am the only sign language interpreter for the Community Center and we have several new students, both children and adult. We have found favor with one of the business here called Price Smart as well. I asked them about hiring one of our deaf and they did. This opens up another ministry to the deaf, because this gives us significance with other businesses and helps the deaf find significance through Christ and the church.

Thanks for you prayer, We love you and ask God to continue to bless you.

Paul Dyar

Friday, February 15, 2008

Every Day New Students Are Enrolling

The teachers training is over and they are excited to get started. I am surprised by their rapid ability to learn the basics in Sign Language. These wonderful people have come from various churches in the San Pedro area to volunteer their time each week. That is a praise to God and to them for their passion for Christ and His work to the Deaf.

The centers are looking great. The teachers have spent a lot of time setting up math, reading, science, writing, social studies, signing, and art centers. The setup of the school is designed for the children to come in the afternoon and the teachers sign up for specific centers that they are to be in charge of during the afternoons. The children will spend three hours a day going through the centers. Also, a big praise to the Lord for we have found a bus and driver that will pick up the students and bring them to school and take them home. The only cost to the Deaf Center is the fuel. This is a great blessing!

The adult program is coming together as well. We have been consistent with the Bible study on Sunday and we have moved the drama class to Sunday as well. The Leadership Bible study is on Thursday night. Sundays is more telling Bible stories because many have not heard the stories of the Bible and Thursdays are going into more depth. We are starting with what we are created for, which is worship, and discussing the multiple areas of prayer. I think a good start is to "Enter his Gates with Thanksgiving and His courts with Praise". (Keep in mind the leaders have already accepted Christ as their Savior.)

We do Thank God for His blessing and we thank God for you all for your love and support of this ministry. Keep us in your prayers.

We love and appreciate you all,

Paul, Kim and Family

Wednesday, February 6, 2008

The Drama Teams First Opportunity

This past Sunday was awesome! Cheryl and I worked with the Drama Team and they did a drama to Lighthouse's song "Everything". I was so proud of our team, they did a wonderful job.

From the drama I spoke on Deut. 11:26 "I set before you today a blessing and a curse...". The message was simplistic. God wants us to be blessed and we must break the curses of the past. The alter call was great. God ministered in a powerful way.

What was also great to see was the deaf coming up and praying for people. It truly was an awesome sight!

God is opening up many doors for us to minister. The territorial director invited us to share at the district meeting today and then at another district tomorrow. There were over 30 pastors at the meeting today and many questions were asked. So, we are expecting the word to spread and opprotunities to start opening up.

Blessings and love to you all,
Paul Dyar and family

Saturday, February 2, 2008

Feeding the River People

Today we went with a group from Tennessee, to feed the river people. We met at Hope House and filled 300 bags with rice, beans, toothpaste, salt, cooking oil, sugar, spice, soap, and a toy. Then we went to the river. Anna and Wesley were big helpers during the bagging and the handing out process. There were two trucks full of food that we walked beside as we handed out the food to the mothers. Anna and Wesley stayed in the truck and handed out pencils to the children. Thanks to Kenneth Loveday and the group for allowing us to be apart of this ministry.

While we were there we found 3 more deaf people. This just shows how prevalent the problem is, here in Honduras.

Today was just one small strip of the river that we walked along. There are still miles of people that we didn't get to but we will. We know there are lot more deaf and looking at the living conditions we can see why. There is just no ability to treat ear infections and malnutrition is a serious problem here.

We are thankful for the experience and will be doing this on a regular basis.

Blessing and Favor to you all,
