Welcome to The Point of Impact

We are Paul and Kim Dyar and we are called to Missions in Honduras. Our mission is to connect ministry passion with real ministry need. The need is never ending, however laborers are few. We are working as the assistant to the national overseer of the Church of God, which embodies 1130 churches, 10 clinics, 1 orphanage, numerous feeding programs and has the largest social ministry of any denomination in Honduras. The social ministry includes the Deaf Comunity Center and caring for pastors and their children.

Kim and I have dedicated our time to making sure that ministry is accountable and connected. As the Projects Coordinator for Honduras, churches can know when they send funds through the World Missions and National office of Honduras that it makes the full impact and progress that is anticipated.

We are also engaged in consistent dialogue with the national overseer for better ways of leadership training and connectivity with local missionaries for greater effectiveness.

We have been in ministry, as a team, for 13 years and the last 5 years we have been pastoring The Haven in Maryville, Tennessee, which has been a tremendous joy. The Lord has given us 4 beautiful children who are becoming our ministry team. They are very eager to learn and they love to help others.

Our goal is to bring others to the point of impact. The Point of Impact is where Christ enters the heart of mankind and Jesus becomes the difference maker. We are only branches connected to the True Vine, Jesus. As we advance the Kingdom, we expect God to move in miraculous ways.

Thursday, December 27, 2007

Part one of the "Big Move"

Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year!!

Sorry it has taken a few weeks to update the blog. We have been on the go, as you could imagine. We have been to both Family Christmas' and I appreciate our families understanding that gifts are not what the season is about. We really enjoyed our time with family and are very thankful for their support of the ministry.

Here is a few Facts that we have learned over the past couple of weeks.

Fact #1 It takes a lot longer to load the truck than it does to unload. We rented the U-Haul on the morning of Dec. 19th and spent the rest of the day and the next morning loading. On the 20th we left about noon, arrived about 4:30, and had the truck unloaded by 5:30. Thanks to some great help by Jack and Ernie.

Fact #2 Air mattresses are not bad ways to sleep. The family will be sleeping on air mattresses for a few weeks in the States and for a few weeks in Honduras. So Kim and I camped out "in the house" one night to try it out. Either we were so tired that we didn't notice or the Air mattress is going to work out just fine.

Fact #3 Suit cases hold a lot more than one can imagine. Either that, or Kim just knows how to stuff them just right. Of course, it helps to have 10 enormous suit cases and five carry ons that are not so small themselves. My wonder is how are we going to carry all the luggage to the airport and the little ones, at the same time. Pray for favor and a good cart in the airport.

Fact #4 Stuff just doesn't seem to be enticing anymore. I have hauled off 3 loads to the dump and one load to the Salvation Army and a load to the Crisis Pregnancy Center not including what Karyn and Ernie and others have taken with them.

Fact #5 Houses are so much cleaner with out anything in them. No toys scattered around, no game consoles or controllers, no furniture out of place, nothing but a few suit cases and a few clothes.

One sure learns to appreciate the simple things in life.

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